Sand Slitting

Sandslits are narrow trenches of 50mm – 100mm wide, 250mm – 350mm deep at 1 – 2 metre spacings crossing the Primary Drainage system.

The sandslits are backfilled with ~50mm of granular backfill and topped up with a freedraining sand.

Sand slits enable surface water to drain into the Primary Drainage system faster.

For the installation of sandslits Aussie-Drain use the specially designed Mastenbroek sandslitter which are designed to trench, dispose of soil and backfill with a granular backfill all-in-one operation.

Sand Grooving

Revoluionising rootzone drainage problems by performing both de-compaction and sandslitting in a single pass!

With its 250mm long blades working at 250mm centres, the machine literally fractures the soil profile decompacting it while also backfilling the trenches with a free draining sand, creating continuous sand drainage channels.

See how it works